Yearly Focus

Yearly Focus – v1.6 Release Notes

Each year I focus my attention on a few named goals as a way to be more intentional about the pursuits I direct my energy towards. The way in which I do this has evolved over time and these release notes serve to document the current state of the process and changes I’ve made recently. Review Of v1.5 For v1.5 I made only a few minor tweaks. The yearly focus remained centered around the idea of focusing on single topic, which the challenge, habit & exemplar would all relate to. The full details of v1.5 are located here but the main three adjustments were: Introduced the concept of a Sabbath Cycle Vision item Specified difficulty progression by quarter for the habit Added details to the description about each item in the release notes I set my newest Sabbath Cycle Vision but don’t yet have feedback on it. The main item I have