Physical Challenges

Ride Report: RAMROD 2019

On Thursday July 25th, 2019 completed the RAMROD (Ride Around Mt. Rainier in One Day). This is the ride report. Goals I was just there to finish the ride. This was something that was on my bucket list and I jumped on the opportunity to join a few coworkers who wanted to do it together. I also used this as a training ride and litmus test for this year’s real bucket list item, a 93 mile run around the same mountain. Finish – ACCOMPLISHED Finish before the time cutoff – ACCOMPLISHED Finish strong – SORT OF ACCOMPLISHED Successes What am I proud of from ride day? Longest bike ride I have ever done Longest duration I have ever done a physical activity for Completed a fairly challenging ride on 5 training rides of 100 miles total Failures What areas could I improve for future rides? Should have eaten more breakfast