Better every year. That is my goal. I believe that through focused effort I can keep improving and ensure my best years are still in front of me. With that in mind, at the start of a new year, I take the time to set my focus for the coming year. By being selective about where I direct my energy, I can achieve results that are exponentially greater than if I split my attention. I detailed my 2021 focus here (read that first if you want more context) & did a quarter year and half year update as well. Here is how I’m progressing. 2021 Theme: Together 2021 Challenge: Setup A Contact Reminder System I made zero progress here in Q3, I need to test out the second app I identified. 2021 Habit: Weekly Reach Out I was only 9 for 13 in Q3. Three of those weeks were when I
Greg Kroleski
doer of hard things