Month: September 2014


Experiment: Watch Donnie Darko Every October 1st for 10 Years – Results

Today is October 1st which means tonight I will be watching Donnie Darko for the 11th time. It is something I have been doing on October 1st every year – the tradition dates back to 2004. Why watch a movie every year? Why Donnie Darko? This experiment wasn’t designed with as much intention as you would hope – but it has turned out to be awesome nonetheless. The Mirror of Repeat Viewings See, the movie hasn’t changed in the past 10 years, but I have. With each viewing I see something different and I now realize how that tells more about who I am than anything about the movie itself. I stumbled upon a benchmark for measuring the pace of change in my life. Below I will detail my experience over the years. Why Donne Darko? Is Donnie Darko the only movie this can be done with? I don’t believe it is.

Yearly Focus

Complete an Ironman: Update 12 – Ironman Arizona Here I Come

This is one of 14 updates about my 2014 challenge to complete an Ironman – you can see a list of the others here. I got in to Ironman Arizona! On November 16th I’ll have a second chance to complete my 2014 challenge. I am particularly excited because Ironman Arizona was actually my first choice back when I started looking into races in January of this year. It is such a popular race though that it was full almost as soon as registration opened last November. This changes a lot of things though. Before we look at that though I’d like to take a second to talk about the Lake Tahoe Ironman. Lake Tahoe Ironman Cancelation Immediately after the race I shared some of my thoughts. Having a race canceled 15 minutes before the start is a rough way to start a morning. Especially a morning you’ve been looking forward to

Yearly Focus

Complete an Ironman: Update 11 – Ironman Lake Tahoe 2014 Was Canceled

This is one of 14 updates about my 2014 challenge to complete an Ironman – you can see a list of the others here. 4:30AM – Alarm goes off, grab breakfast and mix my fuel drinks 5:00AM – Drive to T1 5:30AM – Go to T1, get marked with my race number, get the bike set up and add a few things to my bike bag 6:00AM – Wetsuit on, final things finished, a light rain starts 6:20AM – Head down to water, walk in to knee deep, get ready to warm up, race starts in 20 minutes. 6:25AM – The announcer comes in over the loudspeaker. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have some unfortunate news about today’s event….” Due to the low air quality caused by smoke from the nearby King fire, the race was canceled. Where we were for the swim was fine, but the run and bike courses had

Yearly Focus

Complete an Ironman: Update 10 – Race Strategy

This is one of 14 updates about my 2014 challenge to complete an Ironman – you can see a list of the others here. I’m sitting in a cabin in Lake Tahoe, days away from my first and what may be my only Ironman. I picked up my race number today. Despite the forest fire raging not too far from here and the smoke filled air, I’m trying to relax and stay focused. As I sit here I’m thinking back to my first day of training and the two miles of running that had me winded. I’m thinking back to the first time I clipped into the bike pedals and how I fell four times on a three mile test ride of my new bike. I’m thinking back to my first trip to the pool and how I timidly got into the slow lane. And day after day I did

Yearly Focus

Complete an Ironman: Update 9 – Gettin’ Aero Wit It

This is one of 14 updates about my 2014 challenge to complete an Ironman – you can see a list of the others here. On your mark ready set let’s goIronman pro I know you knowI go psycho when my new bike hitJust can’t sitGotta get aero wit it [Chorus:]Na na na na na na na nanaNa na na na nanaGettin’ aero wit it[Repeat 3x] -Will Smith (sort of) I am one week out from my Ironman. My training is done. This final week is all about resting my body & mentally preparing for the race. There is almost nothing I can do to help improve my performance next weekend. Almost nothing. The one trick I have left up my sleeve is becoming more aerodynamic on the bike. Today we’re going to talk about that. But first, a training update. Training Data Nine months. 3,176 Miles. 357.5 hour of training. Hundreds of hours of

Yearly Focus

Complete an Ironman: Update 8 – Staying Motivated While Training For An Ironman

This is one of 14 updates about my 2014 challenge to complete an Ironman – you can see a list of the others here. I am now less than one month from my Ironman. I have been training for eight months and have missed only a few days of training. How do I stay motivated? Today I share a few tricks. But first, a training update: Training Data I just cracked the 3K mile mark. That means that if instead of doing loops and returning home for all of my workouts, I kept going east, I would be in New York, almost to Manhattan. Crazy. If you look closely in August you’ll see two weeks that are low. Half way through a key week in my training, I picked up a cold that kept me in bed until the middle of the next week. Thankfully the second week was a planned